What is the safeguarding policy?  

The Safeguarding Policy is mandatory for all BBF, BSF and BSUK officials, staff and members (including all Charter members), and for members of all affiliated organisations when engaged in baseball and softball activities with young people.  You are expected to adopt, implement and actively promote all aspects of the Safeguarding Policy.  The documents that make up the Safeguarding Policy include: 

In this section you can read or download all of BaseballSoftballUK’s safeguarding policies. These policies are mandatory for clubs and teams affiliated to the British Baseball Federation, British Softball Federation and all Development Chartered members. They can also be used by any clubs and teams as templates to create and implement club-specific policies and procedures.

BSUK Safeguarding Policy
Joint Code of Conduct
BSUK Equality & Diversity
Safeguarding Complaints Procedure for Baseball and Softball 
BSUK Photographic Policy 
CPSU Photographic Advice 
BSUK Anti-Bullying Policy 
BSUK Self Declaration Form 
BSUK Safeguarding Policy for Trips and Travel Abroad 
BSUK Checklist for Trips and Travel Abroad 
BSUK Parent/Guardian Permission Form 
BSUK Travelling Team Contact Details Form 
Safeguarding Adult Policy
Reporting Concerns Flowchart
Anti-Doping Policy
Club Code of Conduct Policy
NSPCC Safeguarding Social Media Guidance
Position of Trust in Sport FAQ
Involving Young People in Mixed-aged Sport or Activity
DBS Checks in Sport - working with Children