Safeguarding training is vital for baseball and softball club volunteers, so that an environment is created where youth players can enjoy their sporting experience safely. BaseballSoftballUK has a  range of safeguarding courses and learning opportunities, from introductory  to enhanced  training.  These enable staff and volunteers in various roles within baseball and softball to increase their knowledge and skills so they can safeguard children effectively.

Considerations when  selecting training opportunities:

  • For coaches (or those working to become a licensed coach) the Basic safeguarding training is appropriate.  This would involve taking an interactive training course (face-to-face training led by a facilitator or a blend of face-to-face and online training)
  • For all roles with regular responsibility for children, a Basic face-to-face course, typically three hours long, is recommended.  This allows the complexities of safeguarding issues related to specific roles to be addressed and includes opportunities for discussion. BaseballSoftballUK runs its own ‘Safe On Base’ course that meets these requirements.
  • Anyone interested in Enhanced safeguarding training should contact us (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address),  where we will be able to advise what is best for the role you perform

The table below provides an overview  of which level of training is required for different types of roles.  Where  a box is ticked, the person fulfilling that role should complete the indicated level of training.

Role Introductory safeguarding training Basic safeguarding training Enhanced safeguarding training
No contact with children or young people    
Incidental contact with children and young people    
Regular contact with children and young people but no direct responsibility for them    
Young volunteers  
Regular responsibility for children and young people (supervised)
Regular responsibility for children and young people (unsupervised)
Responsibility for children and young people overnight or at an event
A designated Safeguarding Officer at club level
A designated Safeguarding Officer at national level
Managers, Board members and senior levels of employment or deployment  
Role with responsibility for recruitment decisions  

Safeguarding Training Courses

BaseballSoftballUK offers two types of safeguarding training:

  • A baseball/softball-specific 'Safe On Base' course, which provides Basic safeguarding training
  • An online course, which provides Introductory safeguarding training which is suitable for refresher safeguarding training or to provide initial safeguarding training for a Safeguarding Officer whilst waiting to complete a face-to-face ‘Safe On Base’ course

Safe On Base course

This is a face-to-face (Virtual) three-hour course ideally suited for club Safeguarding Officers, and BaseballSoftballUK recommends that every club or league Safeguarding Officer attends it.  It is also suitable for senior coaches or club personnel who have a lot of contact with youth players. 

Whether it is 'Safe On Base' or an alternative, interactive training is important. Interactive training includes face-to-face training and some online learning where interaction between participants and the facilitator is ‘live’.  Face-to-face training (virtual or in person) is the most appropriate method as it allows delegates to ask questions of and receive feedback from the trainer, as well as hearing the views of other participants - all within a safe environment facilitated by a qualified safeguarding tutor. It also provides the opportunity to discuss specific safeguarding issues that arise during the training. Interactive training can also involve using a virtual classroom, through webinars, or other similar software (eg Skype or Zoom).

BaseballSoftballUK requires that new Safeguarding Officers without any prior training complete a face-to-face / interactive course within one year of appointment.

If you are interested in attending a 'Safe On Base' course, please email here for more details and dates of scheduled courses.

Online training

Online training courses are very flexible, allowing the user to complete the course from home at his/her own pace. BaseballSoftballUK recommends online training as an introductory safeguarding course ideal for coaches who need a safeguarding refresher course or for Safeguarding Officers/coaches as an introduction to Safeguarding (level 1) to be completed before taking the Safe on Base (level 2) virtual training.

BaseballSoftballUK requires that new Safeguarding Officers without any prior training follow up an online course with a face-to-face / virtual / interactive course within one year of appointment.

BSUK Recommends two online courses:

  • The CPSU’s Child Protection in Sport and Physical Activity training (£35 per course). Click here to sign up for the course.
  • High Speed Training’s Safeguarding in Sport (FREE). Register here.

Other courses

There are many other safeguarding courses available, run by a variety of different organisations.  Unfortunately, there is no professional body regulating these courses so quality can vary significantly. When choosing a course, please ensure that it covers everything you need it to and is approved by the CPSU (Child Protection in Sport Unit).

Other BaseballSoftballUK-approved courses include:  

  • Sports Coach UK's 'Safeguarding and Protecting Children’ (or 'Safeguarding and Protecting Children 2' for renewal purposes)
  • Child protection courses delivered by local Safeguarding Children’s Boards
  • Child protection courses delivered by County Sports Partnerships

CPSU Courses

The CPSU/NSPCC have a huge resource section filled with lots of useful information, videos and courses.

  • Keeping your child safe in sport – A free e-learning course every parent should take. Access Here
  • To access the CPSU Resource Centre click here.

If in doubt about which course to choose, or if you are looking to complete enhanced safeguarding training, please email us here.

Safeguarding Adults

As the criteria for Safeguarding Adults at Risk is very different to Safeguarding Children BSUK recommends all coaches take Safeguarding Adult training and an introduction online course (cost £25 per person) can be obtained here 

For Safeguading officers we recommend this course, Safeguarding Adults in a Sport Setting Club Standards, (cost £10 per person)