The Background 

The Charter is a mechanism for any club or league to access development and safeguarding services from BaseballSoftballUK (BSUK). Central to our Two Sports, One Ambition Strategy, the Charter is at the heart of our strategic priority to provide ‘efficient grassroots support services’. Through the Charter, BaseballSoftballUK will support you to become a safer, stronger and more sustainable grassroots organisation, connected to - and an important part of - your local community.   

Signing up to the Charter is free of charge.  

The Development Charter is made up of four key support services: 

Our relationship managers - On sign up, each club or league is assigned, and will be contacted by, a relationship manager, who’s role it is to offer one to one development support and direct the club to relevant supporting resources. 

Our resource bank - As part of the Charter, we have created a resource bank of guidance and tools to support clubs with their development. These include resources from partners as well as many created by BaseballSoftballUK specifically with our clubs and sports in mind.

Our online workshop series - In order to bring to life some of the topics within the Charter, we will run a series of virtual workshops free to Chartered club representatives.  

Safeguarding - A vital service that BaseballSoftballUK provides to clubs and leagues in the UK through our Charter.  

There are also a number of additional benefits linked to other BaseballSoftballUK programmes and partners, such as our Facilities Fund and BaseballOutlet discount offers. 

Accessing the Charter 

Signing up to the Development Charter is free of charge to any organisation.   

All affiliated clubs (to the British Softball Federation and British Baseball Federation) automatically have access the  Development Charter, however we would recommend completion of our enrolment form regardless to ensure our relationship managers have up to date contact information.   

Clubs and leagues which are unaffiliated will need to actively sign up to the Charter through a simple application form, in which a formal commitment to adhere to the baseball/softball safeguarding standards will be made.

Sign Up

Chartered Clubs and Leagues

BaseballSoftballUK's Development Charter federations, leagues, clubs and universities who have signed up can be viewed here by selecting the relevant cateogry
