As part of BaseballSoftballUK's support for Slowpitch Captains, we are running a series of webinars, with each focused on a specific area of work. You can register for any of the open webinars here. Check back often, as more sessions will be added!

Date Time Subject Presenter(s) Registration
5 March 8 PM Base Coaching Duncan Waugh & Luis Arrevillagas Link
12 March 8 PM The Starting 10 & Difficult Conversations Duncan Waugh Link
19 March 8 PM Tournament Planning Dana Granville Link
2 April 8 PM LGBTQ+ Inclusion Kurt Weaver (You Can Play) Link
16 April 8 PM Scoring Kellie Whitaker Link


About the Presenters

Duncan Waugh 

Duncan has been playing softball in the UK since 2008, and has run multiple high-level teams in different formats for 12 years - including a weekday league team in the LSL (MI6), a weekend team in NSL1 (Legends) and also Team USA in the BSF's annual World Series tournament. 

"Much of what I've learned as a captain I've gained directly from my successes and failures, or from informal chats with my counterparts, and I'm passionately keen to share what I've picked up along the way with new and experienced (fellow) captains.  I'm also keen to hear more from fellow captains about their tips and tricks that have worked well for them, to make us all better at this important role."

Luis Arrevillagas

Luis has played and captained softball for over ten years at his local league in Manchester and at the National level. He has played and coaches for both of the GB Slowpitch National Teams.

"I’m passionate about sharing information with other captains, for them to learn from my experiences and mistakes, and vice-versa. My favourite area is Base Coaching and Fielding"