Phil Veasey is a Public Health and Community Engagement Consultant who works extensively in the east end of London.
He is currently a consultant in the Public Health Team in the London Borough of Newham leading on a range of anti-poverty interventions throughout the pandemic. Phil is a member of the London Child Obesity Taskforce and sits on the Public Health England National Child Measurement Programme Board, and the Guys and St Thomas Charity Childhood Obesity Oversight Committee.
He has a track record of co-producing approaches to empower residents in London’s disadvantaged communities to live healthier lives by addressing real community issues:
- Creator of the Newham Social Welfare Alliance 2020
- Author of the Tower Hamlets Physical Activity Strategy 2019
- Author of the VCSE Sector Engagement and Social Prescribing GLA report – recommending actions to scale social prescribing as part of the Mayor of London’s Health Inequalities strategy - 2018
Phil has also created and driven national programmes including:
- The community sport element of the National School Sport Strategy, including ‘Sportivate’, for the Department of Culture, Media and Sport and the Department for Education – a major Olympic Legacy Programme
- The National Mini Tennis Programme, for the Lawn Tennis Association (now the way children are introduced to the sport globally)
An accomplished conference speaker, including a childhood obesity discussion on BBC Breakfast in 2011, keynote speaker at The European Obesity Forums 2014 and 2015, and Elevate in 2019.
Phil has represented England at over-35 and Great Britain at over-40 levels at tennis and is a 6 times national champion. He is a rookie Softball player in the London Softball league pitching for Batitude!