Appendix DInternational Sportsperson (Short Term) Individual Migrant Governing Body Endorsement Application Form

This form should be used to apply to BaseballSoftballUK for a Governing Body Endorsement of an application of an application for a migrant under International Sportsperson (Short Term) of the Home Office points-based system.

Please complete all sections of the form below unless otherwise indicated:

Please provide evidence below to meet the criteria, either:

BSUK Level 2 Coaching Certificate (please provide evidence of date and details of the course and copy of certificate)


Non-UK qualification and written confirmation from BSUK that this qualification is of an equivalent or higher standard to BSUK Level 2 CC (please provide evidence of date and details of the course and copy of certificate)


Curriculum Vitae, outlining coaching roles held and relevant experience, to include appropriate references, at least one from a person within a recognised National Baseball and/or Softball Organisation.

Payment of £50 to BaseballSoftballUK made by transfer to sort code: 20-41-41, account no: 63326241

If you wish to send the form by post please print and send to:

BaseballSoftballUK Governing Body Endorsements

Home Plate, Farnham Park National Baseball and Softball Complex, Beaconsfield Road, Farnham Royal SL2 3BP

OR Email:

The information on this form may be disclosed to the Home Office in the event that they investigate the BaseballSoftballUK processes and procedures.