International Sportsperson (Short term) Licence Governing Body Endorsement Application
This form should be used to apply to BaseballSoftballUK for a Governing Body Endorsement of an application for a Sponsor Licence under International Sportsperson (Short term) sub-section of the Home Office point-based system for Managed Migration
Please complete all sections of the form below unless otherwise indicated:
Supporting Evidence Required: None
Payment of £50 to BaseballSoftballUK made by transfer to sort code: 20-41-41, account no: 63326241
If you wish to send the form by post please print and send to:
BaseballSoftballUK Governing Body Endorsements
Home Plate, Farnham Park National Baseball and Softball Complex, Beaconsfield Road, Farnham Royal SL2 3BP
OR Email:
The information on this form may be disclosed to the Home Office in the event that they investigate the BaseballSoftballUK processes and procedures.